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Wrestler Kevin Nash Travels to Medellin to Receive Stem Cell Treatment

Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash is one of the most iconic and legendary figures in pro wrestling. The pro-wrestling superstar was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2015. He actually still goes out into the wrestling ring every now and then, even though he is 60 years old. Kevin has certainly put in the time and effort to be recognized as one of the greatest of all time, but that comes with a price.

One might think that WWE wrestling is fake and staged, but the stunts that they pull off in and outside of the ring are no joke. Wrestling stars can suffer more serious injuries than athletes of some of the toughest sports. Their bodies are broken down and there are few medical treatment options to alleviate their pain and discomfort.

While playing professional basketball in Germany, Kevin tore his ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) when he was younger. Throughout his pro-wrestling career he took a lot of hits and may even suffer from CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). Kevin tried several different medical treatments, but nothing could give him the relief that he needed. That is when he discovered BioXcellerator and the revolutionary treatments that are available.

Kevin traveled down to the BioXcellerator clinic in Medellin, Colombia with his other good wrestling friend, Ryback Reeves. They both received stem cell treatment for different ailments. Kevin received an inter-disc stem cell treatment where the injection was between two discs in his back. He also received several rounds of intravenous stem cell injections to help with inflammation and other ailments.

Generally patients have to wait at least a few days before the effects of the stem cell treatments are noticed. That was not the case for Kevin. The morning after he received a 50 million stem cell injection, Kevin did not have any numbness in his right hand. He has had that numbness for the last 7 to 9 years of his life. That is a drastic improvement in his body after just one treatment.

Kevin will be returning to Medellin at a later date to address his CTE concerns. The stem cell injections he did receive should help with any brain issues he is currently having. Receiving a stem cell treatment specifically targeted at helping CTE will improve his condition. Kevin stated that he will be donating his brain to the CTE Center at Boston University and the Concussion Legacy Foundation. Kevin is a selfless person that only wants to improve the lives of those who come after him.

Kevin was so enthralled by his visit to Medellin that he is actually looking at purchasing some real estate in Colombia. That is certainly a ringing endorsement for both the city of Medellin and BioXcellerator. BioXcellerator is looking forward to continuing to treat Kevin and help him live his best life.

Keep a lookout for updates on Kevin’s condition on his Twitter and Instagram. BioXcellerator also posts updates on patients on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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